Hi guys,
There are many way to display webcontent in jsp.
Here, I am explaining two easiest way.
First Way :
If you are thinking to display web content in JSP page, Its only 2 steps you follow as given below :
Step 1.
Put Below configuration in " portal-ext.properties " :
no.actical.text=No Article Exists with this name.
Step 2.
Put Below code inside your jsp.
JSP File :
String content = StringPool.BLANK;
String articleName = PropsUtil.get("article.name");
JournalArticle journalArticle = JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil.getArticleByUrlTitle (themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId(), articleName);
String articleId = journalArticle.getArticleId();
JournalArticleDisplay articleDisplay = JournalContentUtil.getDisplay (themeDisplay.getScoprGroupId(), articleId,"","",themeDisplay);
content = articleDisplay.getContent();
}Catch(Exception e){
content = PropsUtil.get("no.article.text");
<%= content %>
*Note: In this way you required to restart server because we have updated portal-ext.properties file.
Alternate cool option to display webcontent in jsp as:
Follow the list of below steps.
Step 1:
Put below code inside your java class.
For retrieve the wecontentid and GroupId.
long lGroupId = themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId();
String lGroupName = themeDisplay.getScopeGroupName();
JournalArticle jArticleId = JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil.getArticleByUrlTitle(
lGroupId, "webcontentname");
renderReq.setAttribute("lGroupId", lGroupId);
renderReq.setAttribute("jArticleId", jArticleId.getArticleId());
Step 2:
Put below code inside your jsp.
<liferay-ui:journal-article articleId="${jArticleId}"
groupId="${lGroupId}" />
*Note: If we are follow the above way then we don't required to restart the server.
That's all !!
Let me know if u have any suggestions/queries, I would like to hear from your side.